AE HOA Annual Meeting Recap

Thank you to all of you who were able to attend the 2019 annual meeting for the association. There we some new and some familiar faces. A brief recap of the meeting:

Congratulations to Mark Shashikant on being elected to the HOA Board! He will take over the position from Dan Pansch. We thank Dan for his service.

We'd also like to thank Amy Bray, Eric Cuka and Ryan Redd for their willingness to being nominated for the position.

We had a lot of great dialogue around neighborhood concerns and appreciate the feedback from the attendees. The Board will be reviewing those in the coming months. In regards to some of the topics - here are some links:

Reporting Unmowed Lawns (or any other city code violation)

City of Sioux Falls Code Enforcement at the following link:

Concerning the proposed Arboretum Expansion recently in the news. The HOA board encourages residents to directly contact our elected officials and related board members with their concerns. The HOA Board supports that we do not want to see Scarlet Oak Trail turn into a connection with Highway 42 and will work on an official statement of support that members can share when contacting their elected officials.

City of Sioux Falls - Northeast District Rep. Pat Starr -

Minnehaha County Commissioners Office -

Sioux Falls Parks and Rec Board -

Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum Board -

If anyone is interested in serving on a committee, please feel free to contact the committee chairs or the HOA Board. We would be glad to have you!

Architectural Review Committee - Chris & Gretchen Scheidt

Facilities & Grounds Committee - Carrie Van Heel

Social & Hospitality Committee - Della Kobernusz

Minutes from the meeting are available on the website here.

If you have questions about the meeting, or anything else relating to the association, please reach out the HOA Board.

Thank You!