HOA Board Update

Per the requirements of the association by-laws, the board members met within ten days after the annual meeting held on June 4th. The board welcomed Mark Shashikant to the board, as well as thanked Dan Pansch for his service.

The Board accepted the resignation of Molly Hillman from her board position citing personal obligations. We thank Molly for her time and contributions to the board and the association.

The Board appointed Ryan Redd to fill in for the remaining term of Molly's position.

In order to align the Board officer positions with the annual meeting timeline, the Board appointed Allan Johnson as the new Chairman of the Board, Mark Shashikant as Vice Chair and Jayson Santi as Secretary. Board Officer positions serve a one year term.

Current Board Members and terms:

Allan Johnson - (2018-2021)

Mark Shashikant - (2019-2022)

Jayson Santi - (2017-2020)

Kendra Siemonsma - (2017-2021)

Ryan Redd - (2019-2021) filling in Molly’s remaining term (2018-2021)

If you have any questions, please contact the Board at arborsedgehoaboard@gmail.com.